Pragmatic IT

IT Infrastructure and Software Development from the Customer's Perspective

Changing Fonts on Linux Fillable PDF Forms

I was trying to fill out the Canadian passport renewal form on my Ubuntu 16.04 laptop. I was able to enter data into the fields just fine, but the font that was displayed after I left each field was almost unreadable.

Switching to Headless Chrome for Rails System Tests

I recently switched a Rails 5.1 application’s system tests from Capybara, Poltergeist, and PhantomJS, to Capybara, Selenium, and headless Chrome. We run the development and test environments of the application on a Vagrant box running Ubuntu 16.04 server.

Enterprise Challenges to Continuous Delivery

On one of my recent projects I noticed a challenge to a continuous delivery (CD) approach in the enterprise that I haven’t seen mentioned: Software that requires a paid license.